Bridge Race
Supersonic Studios LTD
Bridge Race
Supersonic Studios LTD
Get NowBest Racing Game ever with approximately 250 Million downloads! Try to build your own Bridge by competing with others for collectible blocks! You should look out for potential looters.Join the adventure with more than 1000 levels that contain mechanisms such as sliders, trampolines, zip-lines, ladders, and elevators! Collect blocks of your own color and build bridges with them.
Bridge Race
Ver: 3.26/3.26| Size: 262.6 MB/262.6 MB
Update: 11/23/2023,11/23/2023
Bridge Race
Ver: 3.26/3.26 | Size: 262.6 MB/262.6 MB
Update: 11/23/2023,11/23/2023
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